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kandinsky(r, g, b); kandinsky(r, g, b);
Interactive Media, 2020

kandinsky (r, g, b); is an interactive media that allows viewers to move around Kandinsky's art view using flashlights that emit three primary colors of light: red, green, and blue. It is a work of art. When you shine a flashlight on the canvas installed on the wall, your image in the video is converted into Kandinsky's writings and paintings in real time.

- Media Art Color Tour with Kandinsky, Gimpo Cultural Foundation Art Center, Gimpo, Korea, May 7 - July 31. 2020

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

kandinsky(r, g, b);

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